Friday, August 22, 2008

Get Out the Vote Kansas City

Poster Competition and Exhibition

In one of the most important elections of our lifetimes, only half of eligible voters are expected to exercise their voting power. Let’s bring this message to the people through AIGA’s Get Out The Vote campaign. The AIGA 2008 Get Out The Vote campaign builds on the efforts made in 2000 and 2004, which placed more than 50,000 AIGA posters in public places in communities across the nation.

We need you to help us spread the word around the Kansas City metro area.

This is an opportunity to demonstrate how the power of design can motivate people to get out and vote in this year’s election. Prior to the evening competition, teams will take the message to the streets! We are Looking for volunteers to hang posters. Students will be paired with will be had!

The template for the AIGA 2008 Get Out The Vote poster campaign is currently available online at: To be eligible, follow all parameters and specifications.

To enter please print 3 copies (2 will posted in public high traffic areas of KC and 1 will be used for the competition and gallery show). Students please submit your poster design(s) to your AIGA student group faculty adviser for them to bring to the event.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You Are Invited
Prior to Sean's, Hallmark Symposium lecture at 6pm, the KU AIGA student group is hosting all area student groups to meet and chat with Sean.

What: Meet Sean Adams, other student group members and see the KU studios.
Where: KU Art and Design Building, room 203D
Time: 4:00 - 5:45

if have questions contact:
Andrea Wertzberger ( or
KU Student Group President, Lesley Hunt (

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Feb 25: Sean Adams
of and current AIGA national president
will be speaking at KU for Hallmark Symposium at 6pm {free and open to the public
Lecture held in Wescoe Hall.

Prior to Sean's lecture the KU AIGA student group is hosting all area student groups
to meet and chat with Sean. More information will be posted on the blog -- soon.
What we know so far...

What: Meet Sean Adams
Where: KU Art and Design Building
Time: 4:00 - 5:45

please let me know if you and some members of your student group are coming by
Monday morning Feb 25.

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March 01: Portfolio Day
Space is limited to 60 students for the entire day event so if you haven't signed up
do it soon. I hope to see you there.

Faculty: if you want to come there is no need to register. We have had a great response from professionals so we can have the day off as far as critiquing work. But please cometo the day and see what is happening. We could find a time us AIGA educators to talk/share... Please let Jeremy or I know if you are interested in having a faculty advisor roundtable.

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April 07 {AIGA Transitions: Professional Communication
topic: resumes, cover letters, phone calls, emails, follow-up, etc.)

February's Transitions had a great turn out, so get there early.
Same place, same time.

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Mentorship Opportunity!
Open to student group officers. Interested in having an AIGA board member as your mentor
and learn about a specific committee or board member's role and help out on the committee?

send Andrea an email and let her know your interests. please rank top 2 to 3...
Communications & PR
Education & Student Groups
Competitions & Awards Show
Professional Events
Social Events

Hope to see everyone happenin' it up!
much love and graphic design,

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A4 Design Awards

The AIGA design awards show is here!

Saturday, January 26, 2008
6:30-10:30 PM
Reception: 6:30-7:30 PM
Awards Program: 7:45 PM

Club 1000
1000 Broadway
Kansas City, MO

register online

Friday, November 30, 2007

KCAI T-Shirt Contest

Through our AIGA student group, we've been conducting a t-shirt design contest to be professionally printed and sold in our art store. Today, with the popular vote of the AIGA student group, we've narrowed it down to three. Jamie Gray (faculty advisor), Ed Rodriguez (art store manager), Ed's assistant, and I will be selecting the final design for print to be sold next semester. I'll be posting the winner sometime in the next couple of weeks, but I thought you guys would like to see the pool we'll be choosing from.

Without further ado, and in no particular order:

Designer: Lindsey Southwood

Designer: Ramzy Masri

Designer: Tina Gordzica

And for the runner up...

Designer: Kristy Tillman

Thursday, November 29, 2007

helvetica film


on december 5th and 6th, we are having screenings of "helvetica" at the park university campus. it is a free event, and everyone is welcome. i realize that it is the end of the semester, so if you aren't able to come this time, don't worry, we will be showing the film again next semester. please pass this invitation to your student groups and anyone else you think might be interested.

i hope to see you all then.


Pink Tasers?!

Haha! Check out this new C2 Taser Design. I was wondering what you guys thought about it. I'm personally opposed to such a design as it creates a demographic that wasn't already there to begin with. For the individuals I think they're targeting (females) or those who find pink attractive, how do you feel about holding a pink taser when you're about to send someone into an electrical seizure? I was just curious, and thought I'd ask y'all.