Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pink Tasers?!

Haha! Check out this new C2 Taser Design. I was wondering what you guys thought about it. I'm personally opposed to such a design as it creates a demographic that wasn't already there to begin with. For the individuals I think they're targeting (females) or those who find pink attractive, how do you feel about holding a pink taser when you're about to send someone into an electrical seizure? I was just curious, and thought I'd ask y'all.


Ashley said...
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thenewprogramme said...

with all respect to ashley, i think this is ridiculous. tasers seem to be the new billy clubs of the authoritarian set -- cops -- and to make this weaponry (yes, it's a weapon) appealing on an emotional level to a wider audience is unethical in my eyes. it's trying to convince people (presumably, and stereotypically, females) to purchase a product not just because of safety issues, but because "it's cute" or "it matches my lifestyle" or whatever.

design issues aside, and even if this is only purchased for safety, it's still a very dangerous object. i wonder if there are restrictions such as waiting periods, background checks, etc. while it can't kill someone, i don't think, it can certainly cause a ton of pain, as we've all seen in videos as of late. that fact makes me think its availability should be restricted to a certain extent.

but i'm a guy, and safety issues for me are a different story than for women. girls, what do you think? as for me, "cute tazers bad!"